Start Your Wellness Journey Today

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Hey fam,

We care about your overall health and wellness. In fact, we have built the beginning stages of a section on the Church 212 website called "Thrive." We hope to develop it as we journey into the future together.

For now, the page simply contains an assessment with resources for your spiritual health journey.

I woke up today feeling inspired about our adventure together, and I'm looking forward to talking more about soul health as we move forward. However, I felt compelled to go ahead and connect you with resources now.

In this post, I will share how you might begin your wellness journey today. 

Our 2nd Signpost

One of our new signposts is "A Culture of Soul Care," to remind us to pursue the overall health of our wellbeing. Jesus said, "What good does it do to gain the whole world and forfeit your soul?" (Matthew 26:16). Often times in the busyness of life, our soul health gets overlooked. But nothing is worth the cost.

We believe that healthy spirituality for the sake of others is the essence of "making disciples." The reality is that Jesus came not only to make us spiritually alive, but also to thrive. He said himself he came that we would have "life more abundantly" (John 10:10). This isn't just for forgiveness and assurance of heaven someday, but our present lives now.

As I've stated in the previous blog post overviewing the year 2022, we will get into the topic of spiritual formation this summer, with specifics on how you can begin to craft spiritual rhythms and practices for your soul health.

Here are two ways you can begin your journey now.

Step 1: Stop by our Wellness Resources page

I can hardly wait for these series and seasons, but it's important to me as a new pastor to move slowly, giving you time to acclimate to the change so far.

In the meantime, if this subject of soul health and wellness has peaked your interest, I have provided a web page with resources available for you. These books would be great for you to go through by yourself, but especially in community.

I repeat, especially in community. Grab a friend and do one together. I am currently reading one from the list with a few guys and we are crafting our rhythms together.

Please consider stopping by the page and picking out a book for your devotional times. You won't regret beginning this journey. You don't have to wait for a sermon series to start your wellness journey. You can begin today.

Check out the page here.

Step 2: Take our Thrive Assessment 

If you'd like to consider what a possible next step in your spiritual journey might be, consider taking our new Thrive Assessment. There is no commitment necessary after taking this assessment.

It's just a means for you to think prayerfully about where you are in your wellness journey, and what Jesus may be asking you to do next. After this 4-8 minute assessment, we will send you your results.

Go ahead and try it now!

Take Thrive Assessment

Daniel Harrison
Lead Pastor
Church 212

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