This Fall; Next Year's Theme (Hint)

Hey family!

I hope you guys are doing okay in this heat. Hang on a little longer!

I wanted to send this brief note to say two things.

First, this Sunday, we are starting the book of James, which will take us through October and November. We will sit in God's word, allowing it to speak to us this Fall season. We do have a special guest for each of the two months. More on that later.

Second, I have been dreaming up next year's theme. I am coming to the end of the first year of leading you guys, and boy, have I learned lessons. But, on the wall in the foyer, there's a line that says, "Pursue Health in a Rhythm of Life." We are going to spend an entire year on this theme.

The theme, of course, is soul health, or spiritual health of the whole person (mental, emotional, relational, etc.). Building on the theme of the Kingdom of God, we will get very practical on how to walk in the Kingdom of God, accessing the life available in friendship with Jesus.

Some think that any form of self-care is too self-centered. And it certainly can be, unless you are learning a deeper fulfillment of Jesus' great command, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).

Soul health is integral to effectively engage culture with the Gospel (See Matthew 5:16).

If you look closely enough at Jesus' life, you will notice that he, too, had spiritual rhythms and practices. We simply want to adopt the lifestyle he modeled for us.

I will be making a video shortly about the new theme, so keep your eyes on your inbox!

Your friend, in Christ,


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