One Final Message

Daniel Harrison | This Church 212 blog is a communication tool for our church family. You can get these posts directly to your inbox here | I also blog at
A couple of things.

On hybrid-church.

Yesterday we talked about our need to navigate the digital revolution through our final signpost, "A Hybrid-Faith Experience."

The physical expression of church is here to stay, and assimilating people into face-to-face fellowship is central to relationship building, corporate worship, spiritual growth, and evangelism. But in understanding the times, we do need a technology-based solution to supplement effective ministry in "Digital Babylon," the name of this era in Christian history (credit to David Kinnaman for the term).

If you missed yesterday's message, I encourage you to catch up here. It's a subject we will return to many times.

One Final Message

This Sunday we close the series with a final sermon called, "The Unfamiliar Gospel," a message not many people know. Yet it's the central message of Jesus, the Kingdom of God, which he mentioned 162 times in his teaching ministry.

I'd like you to know from the start that considering this was Jesus' main teaching point, it will also be our central message moving forward, from which all others flow. For a sneak peak, read up on my latest blog post here.

The religious people of Jesus' day thought the Kingdom of God was for the wealthy, religiously pious, and those well off or healthy. But when Jesus came, he flipped the narrative showing unconditional love for the outcasts, diseased, the morally impure and socially unacceptable.

Yes, people need to know that discipleship is the path to Christlikeness and restoration, but above all else they need to know that Jesus loves them unconditionally. That is what compels us to enter friendship with him and become his apprentices.

See you Sunday!


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